Copperas Cove Tree Trimming & Bush trimming

Our tree trimming service in Copperas focuses on residential homes that require pulling back some of the tree branches from the home. We’ll cut back dead branches with our tree trimming service as well.

This also includes: making sure those tree branches don’t touch the top of the home and still having a tree that provides shade in the hot heat of Texas.

What we look for in Copperas Cove Tree Trimming

  1. Size of the tree trimming job
  2. Depending on the size of the tree
  3. After cutting the tree, we’ll cut them down to 3ft in diameter.
  4. Giving you an estimate on how much it’ll cost
  5. We also Clear fence Lining on your property

Services we don’t provide for Copperas Cove tree trimming

  1. Huge trees trimming
  2. Chopping down entire trees
  3. Don’t pull out stumps
  4. Compost services

Our Mission in Copperas Cove Tree Trimming is giving you the best quality service that’ll serves the community inside of Copperas Cove. We also provide bush trimming for those smaller jobs that just want to make the bushes look nice and neat.


We also making sure that you’re Copperas Cove tree trimming looks professional and giving you the best quality service. We’ll never tell you a time and won’t never show up. Our appointments are set in stone, and we’ll be there at the time, we established between the customer.

We want to get rid of the dead branches on your trees and making sure, they don’t  mess up your shingles on your home. Tree branches that are touching the top of your roof could put in a position, where you’ll have to hire a roofer to come out and replace some of the shingles on your home.

How Much does it cost to Replace A bundle of Shingles?

Copperas Cove Tree Trimming
One of savola lawn care tree trimming jobs

Basic cost of a bundle of shingles can vary depending on the shingles $100 per square and $30 per bundle, you could end up see a price anywhere from about $1600 per square. Now this would depend on the type of shingles that you currently have on your home!

What happens if the Tree branches tear off the half of the Shingles?

Looking at a average national average of about $8,000 to $9,0000 and this could be as high as 12,000 just to replace.

This where our tree trimming could save you hundreds dollars and maybe even thousands of dollars to just trimming your tree back some. Maybe even cutting a couple of branches that are way overgrown and saving you roof.

Maybe you’re just trying to make your bushes look beautiful and taken care of, know matter the method we have covered. Over the Phone we’ll give you a basic estimate about how much it’ll cost for removing

Give Us a Call at 254.589.5968 for more Information

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Savola Lawn Care

1105 Curry Ave. Copperas Cove, Tx 76522

email: [email protected]

Phone: 259.589.5968

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